Bottles are an essential baby feeding accessory, whether with breast milk or formula. However, not all bottles are the same nor do they adapt to the needs of each child in the same way. Therefore, it is important to know the different types of bottles that exist and how to choose the most suitable one for your baby. Broadly speaking, baby bottles can be classified according to the material, shape and nipple they have. Let's look at each of these aspects in more detail.
Although all the benefits of breastfeeding are well known, some mothers, for different reasons, resort to formula feeding or mixed breastfeeding. At that moment, many doubts arise about which of all the types of bottles is the most suitable for your baby. So that you have no doubt, at Suavinex we have compiled all the information you need to know about the different types of baby bottles that you can find.
Types of baby bottles
Bottles are an essential baby feeding accessory, whether with breast milk or formula. However, not all bottles are the same nor do they adapt to the needs of each child in the same way. Therefore, it is important to know the different types of bottles that exist and how to choose the most suitable one for your baby.
Broadly speaking, baby bottles can be classified according to the material, shape and nipple they have. Let's look at each of these aspects in more detail.
Types of baby bottles depending on the material
Some of the most traditional materials for baby bottles are glass and plastic (polypropylene). However, these are not the only options, because you can also find stainless steel or silicone bottles.
- Glass bottles : Glass bottles are the most hygienic and durable, as they do not scratch or deteriorate with use. In addition, they are ecological and do not release any of the substances of which they are composed, guaranteeing the baby's health. Due to their low porosity, they do not absorb odors, flavors or colors of food. And, since they are heat-resistant, you can sterilize them using heat or cold methods or using different disinfectant substances. However, they also have some drawbacks, such as their greater weight, fragility, and higher price. Our Bonhomia collection features high-quality glass bottles, as well as other accessories for your baby.
- Plastic bottles: This is the most common type of bottle and is easy to find anywhere. They are made from a type of hard plastic called polypropylene that is BPA-free. It is a much lighter material than glass and is also resistant to temperature changes, so it can be heated in the microwave and sterilized cold and with baby bottle detergents. However, it also has some disadvantages such as it can absorb the color and smell of some drinks and foods. Our Zero Zero Collection includes bottles with a polyamide material, a completely transparent, light and manageable plastic.
- Stainless steel baby bottles: It is one of the newest and safest options available today. It is another type of bottle free of BPA and harmful chemicals. They are very resistant to heat and shock, they maintain the temperature of the milk for longer and do not scratch or stain. Its main drawback is its higher price and lower availability on the market.
- Silicone Baby Bottles : These are the newest bottles on the market, like our new flexible Color Essence Silicone Bottle. They are made with soft, flexible silicone free of BPA, phthalates and PVC. Their main advantage is that they can be folded and stored easily, taking up little space. They are also very comfortable for the baby, since they resemble the feel of the mother's breast. Discover the entire Color Essence collection!
Types of bottles according to their shape
Baby bottles can have different shapes depending on their design and functionality. Some of the most common are:
- Straight or cylindrical bottles are the most classic and simple. They have a symmetrical and uniform shape that makes them easy to clean and hold. They are ideal for the baby's first months, when he does not yet have much strength or mobility in his hands.
- Curved or ergonomic bottles have a slightly curved shape that better fits the baby's mouth and the hand of the adult holding it. In addition, they favor the baby's inclined position during feeding, which reduces the risk of colic and reflux.
- Anti-colic bottles, such as the ZERØ.ZERØ™ Anti-Colic Bottle from Suavinex, have a special shape that allows the nipple to always be full of milk and the air to remain at the bottom of the bottle. This prevents the baby from swallowing air when sucking, which can cause gas, colic or regurgitation.
- Evolutionary or multifunctional bottles are those that can be adapted to the growth and development of the baby by changing nipples or accessories. For example, some bottles can be converted into sippy cups or straws when baby begins to drink alone.
Types of bottles according to the nipple
The nipple is the piece that comes into direct contact with the baby's mouth and through which the milk comes out. Therefore, it is essential to choose a nipple appropriate to the size, age and sucking rate of the child. The different types of nipples can be differentiated according to the material, shape and flow they have.
- Latex or silicone nipples: Latex nipples are the most natural and softest, since they are made with natural rubber. They have a yellowish color and a characteristic odor. Their main advantage is that they adapt very well to the baby's mouth and offer a sensation similar to that of the mother's nipple. However, they have less resistance to heat and bites, a tendency to deform or crack over time, and some babies may be allergic. For their part, silicone nipples are more artificial and harder, since they are made with a type of synthetic plastic. They are transparent in color and have no smell or taste. They are very hygienic and resistant to heat and bites, they do not deform or deteriorate with use but they are less flexible and adaptable to the baby's mouth.
- Round or anatomical teats: Round teats can be three positions, slow flow or porridge. The 3-position round nipples provide three different flows. By orienting the nipple according to the manufacturer's instructions, the cut opens allowing a minimum, average or maximum amount of liquid to pass through. The round nipple for slow flow bottles or asymmetrical makes the best bottles for newborn babies, since the flow of liquid it allows through is very small. On the other hand, the round porridge teat facilitates the suction of denser foods, such as porridge or milk with cereals, thanks to its star-shaped opening that allows a dense flow to pass through. Finally, the anatomical teat simulates the shape of the maternal nipple during sucking, adapting perfectly to the palate and allowing its healthy and natural development.
Now that you know all the types of bottles that exist, we are sure that you will be able to choose the best bottles for your little one at each stage of their life. If you have doubts about how many bottles to buy, remember that it is necessary to always have them on hand and disinfected so it will not be enough to have just one.
What is your favorite type of bottle? Tell us in the comments.
Baby bottle teats: how many types there are and how to choose the best one for your baby – Bebes y Mas
Baby bottles: recommendations and types for all needs – El Confidencial