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Common Breastfeeding Problems and How to Deal with Them

Common Breastfeeding Problems and How to Deal with Them

Breastfeeding can be one of the most intimate and indescribable experiences for a new mom, but some bumps along the way such as breast obstruction, cracks, breast pain during breastfeeding or mastitis can make it difficult for moms to experience the joys of breastfeeding.

Sometimes these problems can occur because the baby does not have a good latch or feedings are not done as frequently as necessary. In addition to recommending that you use a lanolin-rich nipple cream during breastfeeding to promote skin regeneration and reduce problems such as breastfeeding cracks and breast pain, today we would like to provide you with some tips to recognize possible breast problems. and how treat them in the best way possible.


The most common breastfeeding problems

In principle, breastfeeding does not have to cause suffering to the mother. However, if the baby or newborn is not breastfed correctly or feedings are not carried out with the necessary frequency, some problems can occur, which can make breastfeeding greatly difficult. Here are the main problems in breastfeeding and some tips to recognize them and treat them in the best possible way.

Nipple Cracks

Nipple cracks are small deep cuts  almost always located in the center of the nipple, although they can also occur in other parts too. These cracks in the nipple cause pain in the breast during breastfeeding. They can occur due to incorrect sucking by the baby (either due to a poor latch or because the baby has a frenulum.)

What should you do about cracks in the nipple?

  • First make sure the breastfeeding position is correct when breastfeeding your little one
  • We'd like to note, it is not recommended to stop breastfeeding, even if the cuts bleed due to a risk of causing breast obstruction and reducing milk production.
  • You can express milk until the problem passes and give it to the baby through a bottle with the help of the Zero Zero Anti Colic Bottle.
  • You can also use nipple shields temporarily until they heal to avoid clothing rubbing on sensitive breasts or areas damaged by cracks or irritations.

Breast obstruction

Breast obstruction, or milk stagnation, is one of the common breastfeeding problems. It can occur throughout breastfeeding, although it is more common in the first day's of baby's life. It occurs because the breasts are not emptied often enough or because the baby is latched on incorrectly. The symptoms can be: swelling, tight and shiny skin, redness, breast pain during breastfeeding and, sometimes, fever.

How to act when faced with breast obstruction?

  • Hot cloths should be applied to the area for 10-15 minutes before the start of the feeding.
  • You can also apply cold compresses between feedings for approximately 10 minutes to relieve breast pain during breastfeeding and reduce inflammation.
  • It is important to place the baby with their chin towards the place where you notice the obstruction, so that it is easier for him to undo it.



Mastitis is a breast infection caused by the penetration of bacteria into the mammary gland, usually through cracks in the  nipple. It can also be caused by a  breast obstruction  that has not been adequately treated, by a momentary lowering of the defenses, quite common during the postpartum period,or by wearing bras that are too tight.

This disorder can manifest itself during breastfeeding with chest pain and redness of the skin, as well as fever, fatigue, nausea and headache.

What to do to cure mastitis?

  • It's important not to stop breastfeeding and, in the event that a breast is swollen, expressing milk from it can actually provide relief.
  • In addition, the sore breast should be massaged with gentle movements in the direction of the areola, to facilitate the emptying of milk. 


Duct obstruction

Duck obstruction is a localized inflammation that prevents the flow of milk through the affected area. They are caused by infrequent breastfeeding or incorrect milk extraction from only one breast. They usually cause swelling, tension and breast pain during breastfeeding.

How to act when you suffer from a duct obstruction?

  • Bras that are too tight and, in general, anything that could irritate the chest, such as lace, metal parts, etc., should be avoided.
  • It is advisable to take frequent feedings, varying the baby's position from time to time.
  • Apply hot compresses or perform gentle chest massages before breastfeeding. This improves drainage of the sinuses.


Have you had any breast problems that have made breastfeeding difficult? How have you solved it?